Shipping Wine from Italy to Switzerland

Discovering the best wine to bring back from Italy is an exciting journey. If you’re wondering how to bring wine back from Italy or how to ship wine from Italy to Switzerland, our Italian wine packages are the perfect solution for you.


Introducing our exclusive Italian Wine Shop Online, designed to cater to your unique tastes and simplify the process of shipping wines from Italy to Switzerland.

Our Wine Shop offers personalized wine package selections recommended by our expert Italian sommelier staff that bring the essence of Italy directly to your doorstep. Whether you prefer traditional method sparkling wines, pét nats, orange wines, white wines, red wines, or intriguing orange wines, we curate an exceptional selection of Italian Wines for you to enjoy. Furthermore, we understand that everyone has a different budget, which is why we provide great value options that fit your financial preferences.

So, if you’re eager to explore Italian wines and want to know how to bring wine back from Italy effortlessly, our Wine Shop Online is the answer. Write to us today and embark on a journey to discover Italian wines like never before, all while simplifying the process of shipping wines from Italy to Switzerland. Cheers!

If you want to ship wine from Italy to Switzerland email us at: and we will be happy to ship you an Italian wine selection tailored to your taste and budget, all delivered to your door. No subscription required


  • Italian Regular Selection (12 or 24 Bottles mixed)
  • Italian Premium Selection (12 or 24 Bottles mixed)
  • Italian Full Bodied Red Wine Selection (12 or 24 Bottles)
  • Italian Light Bodied Red & Rosé Selection (12 or 24 Bottles)
  • Italian Pét Nat & Sparkling Selection (12 or 24 Bottles)
  • Italian Orange Wines Selection (12 or 24 Bottles)
  • Italian White Wines Selection (12 or 24 Bottles)



  • 6 BOTTLES = €80
  • 12 BOTTLES = €94